April 22nd Meeting
Thursday’s meeting will be packed with information on national, state and county government actions. Tim Shaeffer, of Americans For Prosperity, will present an overview of legislation in Washington D.C. State Senator Jim Runestad will report on his efforts to investigate the actions of Governor Whitmer that may have been responsible for thousands of deaths in…
NORC Hosting Panel Discussion on Arming Teachers
Contact: Matt Marko, President, NORC, 248-330-8733 Date: 3/10/2018 www.norc-us.org NORC Hosting Panel Discussion on Arming Teachers. Legislation being drawn to establish a “School Marshal Program”, similar to the “Air Marshal” program, will be the topic at a public panel discussion on Thursday, March 22, 2018, 7:00pm at the Pontiac Country Club, 4335 Elizabeth Lake.,…