About NORC

We typically meet every third Thursday of the Month.
Check our website for locations and time.
SECTION 1. Provide an organized opportunity for area citizens to participate actively in Republican Party activities and programs, and to promote and encourage participation in local, county, state, congressional, and national Republican programs and affairs.
SECTION 2. Promote good government by informing our members and communities of issues and candidates.
SECTION 3. Engage in such other activities, as the President and Board of Directors shall deem appropriate, including providing assistance to other Republican clubs and organizations.
The mission of the North Oakland Republican Club is to promote conservative principles through our speaker’s bureau, and question and answer sessions. We shall work to strengthen the ranks of the Republican base and increase voter turnout, as well as organize and expand networking. We shall focus on fundraising to assist future and present Republican candidates. While we recognize the individuality of each member and respect the opposing viewpoint of others, we collectively strive to educate, cultivate and motivate the grassroots of our local Republican Party. Ultimately, we intend to accomplish our goals while indulging in a great deal of fun.
The North Oakland Republican Club promotes Conservative principles for the Michigan area by adhering to the following points:
- We work to strengthen the ranks of the Republican base, motivate the grassroots of our local Republican Party, increase voter turnout, organize and expand networking in order to educate, cultivate and articulate Conservative ideas and values
- We focus on fund-raising to assist future and present Republican candidates
- We recognize the individuality of each member and respect the opposing viewpoint of others
- Ultimately, we intend to accomplish our goals while indulging in a great deal of fun!
The North Oakland Republican Club was founded in the mid-sixties to unite area Republicans. The NORC remains the local resource for Republican ideas, thoughts, and actions. The Club serves the cities and townships of Waterford, White Lake, Commerce, Orchard Lake, Sylvan Lake, Independence, Springfield, West Bloomfield, and Holly. We also welcome other communities to attend Club functions and get involved.
The Club holds monthly meetings with special guest speakers on current topics of interest. We have a Web site to acquaint members with Club activities and the happenings of other Republicans in Oakland County.
Club members strive to encourage one another in their pursuit of intellectual growth and the shaping of ideals through personal interaction. Our speaker’s bureau is designed to facilitate lively discourse and pursue the best answers to the public’s questions.
The Club also reaches out to all high school and college students in order to encourage their active participation. The NORC is an encouragement to our youth and gives them opportunities to expand on the foundations of their education and intellectual growth.
The local senior citizens of Oakland County are a valuable, underutilized source, of information, ideas, and historical knowledge. We have appointed (Dorothy White) seniors’ and youths’ (Tom Isaacs) liaisons, to reach out to the senior and youth communities and encourage them to become involved in the political process.
With all this in mind, we hope that you will get involved in the North Oakland Republican Club in our quest for knowledge.